Monday, March 4, 2013

When it all Started

It all started when I handed in my resignation. Well "handed in" wasn't really what happened. I sort of emailed my resignation and then had a one-on-one with my boss.

That was it. I knew there was no turning back. Gutsy as it can be, this was the turning point of my life.

Then it continued on with the selling of items on trademe, the packing, the bags of donations...I'd say it was a momentary chaos... it was all too familiar. Been there so many times. But this time it was different.

I wasn't moving to another job. I was going to crash at my sister's place, that's for sure.

All I had were a few boxes/bags of my priced possessions along with my ever treasured musical instruments.... oh...and forgot to mention...... a newly purchased Around The World Ticket.

That's how this nomad started it all.


  1. hi missy!
    just wanted to say that i feel that this big journey of yours will lead you to what you're looking for ;)
    malvin did the same thing and look where it led him to ;P

    1. Thanks Missy!! just read your other message too! I hope this journey will.....i'll let fate and faith work it's magic and allow the destiny of mysterious ways work it out for me. for now, i'll just enjoy each moment! :)
