Thursday, April 25, 2013

Seattle the Emerald City / Gateway to Alaska

From Fairbanks, Alaska my next destination was Seattle. I arrived there on a Sunday and it was gray and raining. But still I was all pumped up coz I knew the music and aviation scene there was massive.  Seattle has been known to be the Emerald City due to the lush green trees. It was also known years ago as the Gateway to Alaska during the well known Gold Rush.

I got on the light rail train from the airport which was $9 one way. The travel was more than half an hour but the views were lovely. It was actually a different scenery without white snow. Trees were blooming and even cherry blossoms were painting the city with its lovely colors.

I got off and found my way to the exit for Pike St. and 2nd Avenue. I decided I'd stay at the Green Tortoise Hotel because of its proximity to the well known Pike Place Market. I have a knack for markets, maybe because of its vibrant atmosphere, but i think it's also because I know I can buy cheap stuff too.

At first I got lost with the directions, there was a Pine and a Pike and the address I had was a Pike St. 1/2. eek. that was confusing. okay so fine, I had to ask right? If there's something i've noticed with people along the streets of Seattle, majority were a little bit stand offish. Something I told myself to remember asking Misty about. But anyway, I found myself walking down the hill and looking at the pike place market. Around the corner was the said "first starbucks" too. i didn't bother going in.

I got to the Tortoise and checked in. The place was busy, filled with a combination of travelers. I learned they had free dinner 3 times a week and free breakfast everyday. It was good value for money. Awesome stuff. Room 208, the corner of the building, was where I settled in, just wanting to sit down for a while because of the weight I was carrying.

Later on after a few days in the Tortoise, I found a room that was actually the hang out for smokers, weed users and those who wanted to get drunk. But because they had a good guitar, I made sure I slip in and play some tunes  when there was nobody around. A bong was on the table, idle and waiting for the next weed session. That room though had a great mural though, and I couldn't resist taking a photo. :)

There was 1 night though when I got told off by one of the crew to stop playing coz someone complained. well yeah, it was half past midnight...but the sign on the wall said we can use it till 2 am and do whatever. Talk about power tripping. oh well. wasn't a big deal anyway.

On my last night in Seattle, I met up with Gitta and had a great catchup dinner. Then we walked around and decided to play her some tunes on the steps of the Tortoise coz she hasn't heard me sing/play before. That was a good way of ending my last night of stay in Seattle. :)

The day I left Seattle, I passed by Misty's place and dropped of a little something for her Baby's Shower that Saturday. :) Good times! :)

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