Thursday, October 3, 2013

Enroute Edinburgh

I took the city bus from the airport knowing that the walk from the stop to the hostel wasn’t that far away. It was a shock to my system when I got out of the airport coming from Spain which was boiling hot and then flying to the chilly land of Edinburgh. I was definitely keen on buying a fleece to keep me warm. My black jacket that I picked up from the hostel in Winnipeg (donated by a previous backpacker) was something I terribly missed. But earlier on when summer arrived in Europe, I decided to donate it somewhere on the road, knowing that someone would eventually make good use of it just the same as I have.

The Hostel at Cliffton Terrace was right bang on in front of the Haymarket station. Just a stone throw away was a pub and a few food establishments. I was received by an American lady at the front desk, smiling cheerfully as she told me about the weather the past few days.. something I usually ask when I arrive. That would usually help me gauge planning for the next few days, or even, my attire.

I found my room, which was a 12-bed dorm. And oh boy, how congested it was. All of the beds were taken except mine, and all of the bags were astray on the floor. I arrived on the fringe of the Fringe Festival, right on time when people were leaving. Just the way I like it.

The toilet and shower was unisex and man, if you’re claustrophobic, better not choose that hostel. It reminded me of the Generator hostel in Hamburg. The space was surely maximized, to the dismay of people who were tall or fat. I couldn’t complain though. It was cheap. That was enough to shut me up. So I quickly took a hot shower and went to bed at 4 pm. I woke up the following day. It was my way of re-energizing after the adventures I had with my road trip in Mallorca.

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